Mencoba untuk tampil kembali

16 01 2011

Sekian lama gak tampil, hari ini mencoba untuk tampil kembali di gedung Srimulat bersama kawan-kawan., ada isu yang berkembang , bahwa ada konspirasi busuk dibalik acara ini yang sengaja mengundang band dari Jakarta untuk dihajar di tempat. kita lihat aja seperti apa nantinya, tapi yang pasti teman-teman akan memboikot untuk tidak tampil jika memang isu ini benar….

10 Faktor penentu keberhasilan meraih kekayaan

2 09 2009

Setiap orang yang hidup pasti memiliki kesempatan yang sama untuk menjadi kaya dan kesempatan menjadi kaya juga di pengaruhi oleh faktor – faktor tertentu dan sepuluh faktor tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Hasrat atau keinginan yang kuat Untuk menjadi kaya anda harus membangun suatu keinginan yang membara akan kekayaan dan keuangan yang mandiri, berhentilah menadahkan tangan, mulailah melakukan sesuatu seperti thomas alva edison yang memliki hasrat yang mengebu-gebu untuk menemukan bola lampu pijar, walaupun dia gagal berapa ratusan kali dia tetap tidak berhenti dan pantang menyerah. Ia berkata,” saya berhasil menemukan ratusan cara untuk menemukan lampu bohlam. ” Apa hikmah yang dapat di petik dari pengalamanEdison ? Bakat memang menciptakan kesempatan- kesempatan tapi kadang juga hasrat yang kuat tidak hanya menciptakan kesempatan- kesempatan, namun juga hasrat mengondisikan bakat -bakat.

2. Komitmen yang terpatri di hati Komitmen adalah kebersediaan seseorang untuk mengikatkan diri padasuatu tujuan dan mengerjakannya dengan sungguh – sungguh, tanpa pamrih. Anda sedang mengembangkan diri saat anda membuat sebuah komitmen hari ini untuk sesuatu yang lebih besar dan lebih penting dari diri anda sendiri.

3. Tanggung jawab Bertanggung jawablah! Anda merasa positif tentang diri anda sendiri pada titik di mana anda merasa berada dalam kendali atas hidup anda sendiri. Theodore Rooselvt berkata,” Lakukan apa yang dapat kau lakukan , dengan apa yang kau miliki, tepat di mana kau berada” pandangan ini membuatnya menjadi negarawan yang besar.”

4. Kerja keras Thomas alva edisn mengatakan terdapat pilar penting untuk mencapai segala sesuatu yang berharga. Pertama, kerja keras. kedua, tetap berpegang pada kepastian. Dan ketiga, pikiran sehat.

5.Karakter Anda adalah di mana anda berada, siapa anda adanya menurut apa yang percaya akan menjadi apa diri anda menurut apa yang inginanda percayai. Ubahlah kepercayaan anda dan anda akan mengubah kenyataan anda.

6. Berpikir positif Dalam menjalani kehidupan ini, ada kalanya anda bertemu dengan hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan harapan anda. Jangan mengeluh, menyalahkan, atau mengritik siapa pun atau apa pun. Mengapa ? karena hal itu tidak mengubah hidup anda. Bila anda positif, maka anda cenderung kreatif dan berbahagia untuk apa yang akan anda hasilkan.

7. Bertindak lebih dari yang di harapkan Benjamin Franklin memberikan insipirasi pada kita tentang hal ini dengan berujar, ” Ketika saaya di pekerjakan dan melayani orang lain, saya tidakl memandang diri saya sebagai pemberi pertolongan, tetapi sebagai pembayar utang.

8.Ketentuan untuk bertahan Anda harus memutuskan dengan tepat apa yang anda inginkan dalam hidup. Tidak ada seorang pun yang dapat melakukannya untuk anda.Orang mungkin dapat menentukan apa yang anda butuhkan, tetapi mereka tidak tahu sejumlah apa yang anda butuhkan, tetapi mereka tidak tahu sejumlah mana yang anda perlukan. Satu- satunya batasan dalam kemampuan anda adalah tingkat keinginana anda.

9. Kemampuan tampil baik Setiap dari kita, membangun sebuah bidang keunggulan di mana kita tampil tampil lebih baik dari pada siapapun. kembangkan diri anda di sana sebesar- besarnya.

10. Bersikap sebagai seorang murid Bersikaplah sebagai seorang murid dengan memberikan makanan pada pikiran anda dengan protein jiwa, bukan dengan permen jiwa. Membaca, mendengarkan, dan menonton bahan – bahan yang positif dang membangun adalah suatu tindakan memperkaya mental anda.

Tools ‹ Jobless Corporation — WordPress

30 08 2009

Stress Theraphy

29 08 2009

Kita memiliki hidung berlubang disebelah kiri dan disebelah kanan. Apakah fungsinya sama untuk menarik dan membuang nafas ?
(Our noses have left and right nostrils. Are these nostrils having the same function for inhaling/â€breathe- in†and exhaling/â€breathe- outâ€?).

Sebenarnya fungsinya tidak sama dan dapat kita rasakan bedanya, sebelah kanan mewakili matahari (mengeluarkan panas) dan sebelah kiri mewakili bulan (mengeluarkan dingin).
(Actually it’s not the same and we can feel the difference. Accordingly, the right side represents the sun/â€heat†and the left side represents the moon/â€coldâ€).

Jika sakit kepala, cobalah menutup lubang hidung sebelah kanan dan bernafaslah melalui hidung sebelah kiri dan lakukan kira-kira 5 menit, sakit kepala akan sembuh.
(When having headache, try to close your right nostril and use your left nostril to do breathing for about 5 min. The headache will be gone).

Jika anda merasa lelah, tutuplah lubang hidung sebelah kiri dan bernafaslah melalui hidung sebelah kanan. Lakukan bolak-balik. Tak lama kemudian, anda akan merasakan segar kembali. Sebab lubang hidung sebelah kanan mengeluarkan panas, sehingga gampang sekali panas, lubang hidung sebelah kiri mengeluarkan dingin.
(If you feel too tired, do it the opposite way. Close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril. After a while, you will feel refresh again. Because the right side belongs to heat, so it gets hot easily. The left side gets cold easily).

Perempuan bernafas lebih dengan hidung sebelah kiri, sehingga hatinya mudah sekali dingin. Laki-laki bernafas lebih dengan hidung sebelah kanan, sehingga mudah sekali marah.
(Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calm down easily. Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily).

Apakah anda pernah memperhatikan pada saat bangun, lubang hidung sebelah mana yang bernafas lebih cepat ? Sebelah kiri atau kanan ? Jika lubang hidung sebelah kiri bernafas lebih cepat, anda akan merasa sangat lelah. Tutuplah lubang hidung sebelah kiri dan gunakan lubang hidung sebelah kanan untuk bernafas, anda akan merasa segar kembali dengan cepat.
(When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster? Is it the left side or the right side ? If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired. Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refresh quickly)
Cara tersebut boleh diajarkan kepada anak-anak, tetapi efeknya akan lebih manjur jika diterapkan kepada orang dewasa.
(You can teach your kids about it. The effect of breathing therapy is much better for adults).

Saya biasanya merasakan sakit kepala, dan rasanya nyeri. Kemudian saya berobat ke dokter dan beliau bercanda : “Anda akan sembuh jika berumah tangga !” Dokter itu tidak bicara omong kosong. Apa yang dia sampaikan didukung dengan teori dan kesaksian. Selama itu, setiap malam saya merasakan sakit kepala dan tidak dapat belajar. Saya makan obat, tetapi tidak dapat sembuh.
(I used to have painful headache. When consulted a doctor, he told me jokingly,” You will be all right if you get married!” The doctor did not bullshit me as he had his theory and supported with testimony. During that time, I used to have headache every night and I was not able to study. I took medicine but I was not cured).

Pada suatu malam. saya duduk bermeditasi dan menutup lubang hidung sebelah kanan dan bernafas dengan lubang hidung sebelah kiri. Dalam kurang dari satu minggu, sakit kepala saya sembuh. Saya teruskan melakukannya selama 1 bulan, sejak malam itu sampai sekarang , sakit kepala saya tidak kambuh lagi.
(One night as I sat down to medidate, I closed my right nostril and breathed with my left nostril. In less than a week, it seemed that my headache problem had left me! I continued doing it for about a month and since then there was no recurrence of headache in me).

Ini adalah pengalaman saya sendiri. Saya beritahukan hal ini kepada orang lain, jika sakit kepala, cobalah cara tersebut, sebab sangat efektif buat saya. Banyak orang lain telah mencobanya dan berhasil. Ini adalah terapi alami, tidak seperti makan obat dalam jangka panjang yang memungkinkan ada efek sampingnya. Jadi kenapa anda tidak mencobanya ?
(This is my own experience. I used to tell others who also suffer headache to try this method as it was effective for me. It also works for those who have tried as well. This is a natural therapy, unlike taking medicines for a long time may have side effect. So, why don’t you try it out?).

Dengan mempraktekkan terapi pernafasan ini secara benar (menarik dan mengeluarkan nafas), kondisi tubuh anda akan sangat rileks.
(Practice the correct ways of breathing/ “breathe in and breathe out†and your body will be in a very relaxing condition

Working With Your Hearth

26 08 2009

There are people who work with intelligence and knowledge (head), some are relying on connections. But all is not guarantee that they can enjoy their work, until they worked with him (hearts). In addition to enjoying the work, working with all our heart result be maximized. When we work with heart, we will be more powerful. Our minds will become sharper, so that would be more productive than working without a heart. The impetus that drives careful thought, will and our actions.

How to work with the heart? Begin by following these five steps:

1. Set goals in the liver.
Many objectives can be found at work, perhaps to gain money, experience, position or prestige, and some other purposes. But in a tight business competition and in the midst of difficulties due to various crises, those who work driven by noble goals which were born of conscience, often survive and succeed.

2. Find satisfaction in the liver.
Financial satisfaction, career satisfaction and other gratifications physical, to have no end, so often makes people forget themselves and get stuck in a business distortions that ultimately led to major problems. Search moral satisfaction or keeping one’s heart will do the ways of right and secure in doing business.

3. Working with a firm resolve.
Biggest obstacle in the work is the mental condition of our hearts. Less enthusiastic, less prior to war, lack of mood and feeling of debilitating mental condition that others would be prohibitive of our success. If we are convinced of the motives of our hearts are clean and confident with the noble objectives in our hearts, whatever the obstacles will be overcome with a firm resolve.

4. Build team with One Hearth.
No one can be successful with up to work alone. In collaboration with a team we can achieve more leverage. A strong team, solid and compact whole, can only be realized through with one hearth as one another.

5. Working with all my heart.
Whatever is done with all my heart, seriousness, focus and totality will produce prime quality. Success is always achieved by those who worked with all his heart. (By: Jakoep Ezra, MBA, CBA)

7 Ways of Achieving Work Concentration

26 08 2009

Conditions to achieve a concentration in labor productivity requires a conscious effort and practice. Here are some key steps and strategies to achieve these conditions:

1. Choose work that you Love

If you really do not feel at home with an activity or job, you’ll be able to find it difficult to concentrate on doing the job. It must be recognized that there are no jobs really ideal; any job that there would be activities where we feel reluctant to do so. As long as you can push it to a minimum, you can still have a lot to share activities that you like. If your job includes lots of activities or jobs that you dislike it, lest you should move. Or if not, look for projects in the scope of your job where there were many jobs that you like in there. Whatever it is, you have to find a job that can really you like.

2. Select a business or Work (Task) is Important

It could easily have concentration you get from a hobby or entertainment activities, such as reading novels, watching movies or playing games. But you do not necessarily say that through it all can say as a productive subject. Any work-related problems, there are matters which, though you love but it is not so important and also is quite easy to do. Beyond that, there is also a job you love and great potential for long-term rewards for personal life or your career, then choose the latter, not only better use of time, but you also would be easier to get a ‘concentration’ work from it.

3. Make Your Job So Challenging But Not Excessive

When a job is too easy to complete, you will be able to effortlessly it done until you feel the concentration is not needed. A job should be challenging enough so that demands a full concentration levels of yourself. But not too hard because of the difficulties you later and there dissolved because of confusion how to do it and eventually became his own stress. You alone are the most know the level of difficulty of each job to handle it.

4.Search your time and concentration zone

You need time and quiet zone to work, or you will be very difficult to focus. Like the early days after getting out of bed or early in the day when in office, when your friends you work or not to come when they’re all still in great coffee and read and read the newspaper. How about after lunch? Well, most people feel sleepy after lunch, so you should not. Then select also the place or sitting position that allows you to more easily reach concentrations. You might find a concentration at any time in one day if you can make rules for yourself and your friends related to error-free zone that you have.

5. Annihilate distraction

Distraction is a distraction. Not just looking for a quiet place to work, you also need to disconnect yourself from all distraction. This means you need to turn off the notification email and messenger, twitter, mobile, and perhaps including the music (except if music can actually help you to concentrate). Try also to clean your desk, tidy the things that do not need that can make you suddenly interested just to see it.

6. Learn To Befokus At Work During The Maybe

This takes practice. Please select one job to manage and maintain your focus to it as long as possible. Initially, you may find it difficult, if not used, because of the temptation to move to another job. But keep trying, and return your focus. More and more you will be able to concentrate, avoid or even not affected by distraction.

7. Concentration Enjoy Your Work Productivity

Can reach concentrations in the work that is unusual. With it, you can use your time very efficiently and with full benefits. What is produced can bring satisfaction, especially if it is done matters important and valuable. But I tell you, grateful and satisfied because they can concentrate on new work could be done after you finish the job. We’re concentrating hard, you will not be kepikiran to ask, “I am now more concentrated not ya?” or “I’m more concentrated nih. How, I do not enjoy it?” If you still question it, then you still have not concentration.

Take these tips every time you work and get results in line with the increased productivity of your work. Ready to concentrate on today?

One Hour Everyday

25 08 2009

Wilfred P. Cohen, devoting 40 years to become one of the apparel factory owners of the most prominent in the world. But there was something else she wanted, something that had not been able to do in business days which is always busy.
“I want to paint, I’ve never learned to paint, I do not have any reason to feel confident that I will produce paintings worth my effort. Nevertheless, I finally decided to give one hour a day to paint, no matter what I have to sacrifice to find the time that hour. ”

Which must be sacrificed by Wilfred Cohen is sleep time. Only one way that can convince himself that he would get an hour a day without interruption was up before five o’clock in the morning and worked until breakfast time arrived. “This is not hard” he said. “Once I decided to paint at that hour I could not sleep anymore. Desire to do that woke me every morning.”

He changed his attic into a studio, and for years he never missed a chance to work that morning. The payoff is amazing. Canvas painting hung in dozens of exhibitions. Several times he made a single exhibition. Several hundred paintings sold at high prices. And all of his income from one hour a day career was donated to fund student scholarships for talented art. “No one whatever I do,” Cohen said, “What gives me half of satisfaction and pleasure that I find in one hour a day activity alone.”

Energy excavate hidden inside.

17 08 2009

“In us there is a heap of energy that has not been used, which is far greater than we imagine .”

You surely remember the experience you can not be opened because of a sleepy eye in the classroom, but then become so at the time of day the spirit of sport? You also surely remember the time you feel the energy so expansive at the time of initial fall in love, or at the time of the challenge at work or at risk.

So also you never remember the exact time where you feel down, crunchy, so for the steping feet just feel the weight.

We let the letters missed, let the tap water and not dissipate energy only to do good work that we are busy or just sit-sit in front of the television.

Like engine, if it had never used the machine that can become corroded and jammed. Energy does not appear if never used. We can not remove it with force.

So also you never remember the exact time where you feel down, crunchy, so for the right foot of course it’s heavy.

Take advantage of feeling angry. All had experience of people angry. but we are pressing very effective so that the expense of the spirit of anger that accompany it.

It’s time we bring our anger and let the world know about it.